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Diplomat Calls for Kenya to Protect Somali Refugees
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americoNairobi — A Somali diplomat on Tuesday called for the Kenyan government to protect Somali refugees who escaped from the ongoing violence in the horn of Africa nation.
Somali prime minister resigns
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farmaajo11-300x199Mugadisho -Somalia`s Prime Minister Mohammed Abdilahi Mohamed announced today that he resigned,contrary to his earlier pledge to hang on.
The Prime Minister was critical of the so called Kampala Accord between the top brass of the TFG,and demanded that the Somali Parliament have the last say.
The UN brokered deal stipulated that Mr Farmajo leave his post within two weeks so that new government could take his government’s Place
But Somalis in the War ravaged Country an those in the Diaspora came out in support of Farmajo’s willigness to stay in power. 
Somali Prime Minister Resigns as Part of a Political Deal
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farmaja-iyo-shariifNAIROBI, Kenya — Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, the American-educated prime minister of Somalia, resigned Sunday after weeks of pressure to abide by a deal between two other top officials that extends Somalia’s wobbly transitional government for another year.
Mr. Mohamed, who studied in Buffalo and served as a commissioner for the Municipal Housing Authority there, was appointed just eight months ago as prime minister of one of the world’s most chaotic countries. Western diplomats said he had proved himself as one of the more capable and professional politicians in Somalia, and attributed his departure to back-room politicking.
President Rayale back in Hargeisa after a year,urged unity
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rayaleHargeisa Former Somaliland President Dahir Rayale Kahin arrived the Capital Hargeisa after a year long absence,his absence was seen odd given his admirable transfer of power after the June Elections which the main opposition party Kulmiye won in a land slide.
Mr Rayale is the head of the UDUB party and it is not clear if he still has political ambitions,however he received a huge welcome from his supporters.
Party operatives have complained about restrictions from the ruling Party which they believe are of animosity in nature.
Supporters of Rayale were restricted to the outside of the reception area,contrary to how the ruling party welcomes their officials.
Minister of Aviation Mahamud Hashi who was said to be the offical that gave the order to restrict UDUB supporters said they had security concerns in mind when they issued the order.
Mr Rayale spoke briefly with the media and thank his supporters in welcoming him in such a warm fashion,he also urged Somalilanders to work towards greater unity among them selves,in light of the political changes.
Mr Rayale is said to be anxious about the political situation in Somaliland,and diverted a much anticipated speech for an unspecified time.
Somaliland President has recently removed the restriction on political parties,currently there are only three official parties in Somaliland.
Somalia: The Political upheaval continuous
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labashariif1Mogadishu Somalia’s embattled government was to announce a new Prime Minister following the resignation of Mohamed Abdilahi Farmajo Yesterday after a long feud amongst the top leaders of the TFG and TFI.
UN brokered Kampala Accord was to be the long awaited solution, but that was not the case today as the head of the Somali Parliament Sharif Hassan waked away from a press conference convened by President Sharif to announce the new Prime Minster.
Sources close to Villa Somalia told Somalidia that the current care taker Abdiweli Mohamed Ali will be the next Prime Minster of Somalia,if the Speaker approves.
It is not known if the Speaker has a candidate of his own or not.
Critics believe that no transitional government can deliver for Somalia unless Donors are themselves serious about Somalia.
Currently the Speaker of the House through the Kampala Accord gets to pick half of the Cabinet while the rest falls on the president and his appointee to choose.
Neither side of the political stand off had said anything about the latest uproar today at Villa Somalia
Shooting in Bossaso Leaves two dead and three injure
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Boosaaso-300x214Bossaso June 21 11(SDN)-Militia men sprayed gun shots at a teashop in Puntland’s main Business center Bossaso today,according to eye witnesses who escaped unharmed. The Security arrived soon after the attack and the area is under lock down witnesses added.
The unidentified Militia men specifically targeted two Business men who happened to be among other patrons at the teashop.
According to the witness who spoke to SDN on the phone on the condition of anonymity said the targeted two Businessmen were dead and three others seriously injured.
This day light attack comes after days the security apparatus of Puntland took measures to flash out what they called trouble makers hiding among civilians.
Bossaso has a large Internally Displaced population in Somalia. And they usually bear all the repocations of the locals when attacks like this take place
The regional Administration of Puntland has not yet spoken of the latest attack.
4 Somalis killed after car hit by roadside bomb
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roadside-bomb-blast-in-Mogadishu-300x238MOGADISHU, Somalia  — A police officer in Somalia says at least four civilians, 4 Somalis killed after car hit by roadside bomb

died after their car hit a roadside bomb in the capital.
The officer, Ahmed Abdullahi, said Tuesday that the explosion was caused by a roadside bomb apparently intended,
for African Union peacekeepers. He said seven others were wounded when the blast hit the minibus.
About 9,000 Ugandan and Burundian peacekeepers are stationed in Somalia’s capital to serve as a bulwark against militants’ efforts to overrun the U.N.-backed government.
Mogadishu residents have borne the brunt of the country’s two decades of violence, and rights groups accuse warring sides of endangering civilians.
Somalia has been mired in violence since 1991, when warlords toppled the country’s last central government.
Source: AP
Deal forces Somalia pm out of office
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farmaja-iyo-shariifSomalia’s prime minister has resigned, giving in to pressure from the country’s president and the parliamentary speaker.
Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed’s resignation follows a deal between the president and the speaker to oust him while extending the troubled administration’s term.
“Considering the interest of the Somali people and the current situation in Somalia, I have decided to leave my office,” Mohamed told reporters in the capital, Mogadishu, on Sunday.
Protests in support of Mohamed erupted in Mogadishu as the word of his resignation got out. Hundreds marched through the streets saying that Mohamed was the only honest politician in the government.
Reports suggest some soldiers also joined the protests and abandoned their posts.
Deal suspected
Earlier this month, Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, the Somalian president, and Sharif Hassan Sheik Aden, the speaker, agreed to dismiss Mohamed after only eight months as prime minister as part of their deal to extend the transitional government.
Some analysts believe members of the ethnic Darood tribe from the Puntland region pressured the president and the speaker to replace the prime minister, an ethnic Ogadeni, with one of their own. Others suggest the speaker wants to replace Mohamed with a close associate. The president went along in order to keep his own job.
Mohamed initially rejected the deal and threatened to call people to the streets. Some analysts believe Yoweri Museveni, the Ugandan president, played a role in bringing about his eventual resignation.
With several thousand Ugandan peacekeepers guarding Somalian officials, the Ugandan government is influential in shaping Somalia’s internal politics
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